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Lien Removal

Navigating Federal Tax Liens: What You Need to Know 

Federal tax liens are powerful financial encumbrances imposed by the IRS on your property and assets when you have unpaid tax debts. They can have a significant impact on your financial life, affecting your credit, ability to secure loans, and even your property rights. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of federal tax liens, including when and where they are filed, what they affect, the appeals process, and how professional representation by a tax attorney or enrolled agent can help you get them removed. 


When and Where Federal Tax Liens Get Filed: 

Timing: Federal tax liens are typically filed when you owe back taxes and have not responded to IRS notices or entered into a payment arrangement. The IRS must assess the tax liability, send a Notice and Demand for Payment, and wait for your non-compliance before filing a tax lien. 

Location: Federal tax liens are filed with the appropriate state or local government office. This filing serves as a public notice that you owe the IRS money and that they have a legal claim against your property. 

What Federal Tax Liens Affect: 

Federal tax liens are not to be taken lightly. They can have far-reaching consequences: 

  • Credit Score: A federal tax lien can significantly damage your credit score, making it difficult to secure new credit or loans. It may also affect your ability to rent a home or apartment or purchase property or vehicles. 
  • Property: Federal tax liens attach to all of your property and assets, including real estate, vehicles, and financial assets. This means that if you try to sell or refinance your property, the IRS has a claim to the proceeds from the sale which could hinder or even prevent the sale from going through. 
  • Business: Federal tax liens can impact your ability to operate a business effectively. They can be filed against your business property, potentially affecting your business’s ability to secure financing or sell assets. 
  • Personal Finances: The IRS may levy your bank accounts or garnish your wages to satisfy the tax debt if you don’t take action to address the lien. 

How to Appeal Federal Tax Liens: 

If you believe that a federal tax lien has been filed in error or that you have valid reasons for its release, there are steps you can take to appeal: 

Request a Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing: 

  • Within 30 days of receiving the IRS notice of intent to file a lien, you can request a Collections Due Process hearing. During this hearing, you can present your case and provide reasons for why the lien should not be filed or should be released. 

Prepare and Present Your Case: 

  • At the CDP hearing, you or your representative, such as a tax attorney or enrolled agent, can present evidence and arguments explaining why the lien should not be filed or should be released. Demonstrating errors in the IRS’s actions or financial hardship can be compelling points in your favor. 

Appeal Further: 

  • If the outcome of the CDP hearing is not in your favor, you can appeal to the U.S. Tax Court or explore other legal remedies. 


To prevent the filing of tax liens, the IRS offers several favorable resolutions. The Offer in Compromise (OIC) program allows eligible taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed, provided they meet specific criteria and ultimately releases any liens that were previously filed. The Fresh Start Installment Agreement offers manageable monthly payments, often with reduced penalties, for taxpayers who owe less than $50,000. Similarly, the Streamlined Installment Agreement offers a streamlined process for those who owe less than $100,000, allowing them to pay their debt over time. These resolutions not only help taxpayers avoid tax liens but also pave the way for regaining financial stability and compliance with the IRS. 

How Professional Representation Can Help: 

Having professional representation is instrumental when dealing with federal tax liens: 

  • Expertise: Tax professionals understand the complex rules and regulations surrounding federal tax liens. They can assess your situation, determine the best course of action, and provide expert guidance. 
  • Negotiation Skills: Tax attorneys and enrolled agents are skilled negotiators. They can advocate for your interests during CDP hearings or negotiations with the IRS, increasing the chances of a favorable outcome. 
  • Documentation: They can help gather and organize the necessary documentation and evidence to support your appeal, ensuring that your arguments are backed by strong evidence. 
  • Compliance Management: Tax professionals can assist you in complying with any modified payment arrangements, preventing future liens or collection actions. 

In conclusion, federal tax liens can have a profound impact on your financial life, affecting your credit, property rights, and personal finances. Understanding when and where they get filed, what they affect, and how to appeal them is essential. Professional representation by a tax attorney or enrolled agent is crucial in navigating this process effectively. These professionals bring expertise, negotiation skills, and the ability to present compelling arguments, increasing your chances of getting federal tax liens released and finding a resolution to your tax debt. Don’t face federal tax liens alone; seek professional guidance to protect your financial well-being. 

Why Choose Hood Tax Resolution? 

When it comes to resolving tax problems, choosing the right partner can make all the difference. Hood Tax Resolution stands out as the ideal choice because of our seasoned team of tax attorneys and enrolled agents, with decades of invaluable experience. Our team possesses an in-depth understanding of tax laws, regulations, and IRS procedures, enabling us to craft strategic, personalized solutions for every client. We’re not just about resolving tax issues; we’re committed to protecting our clients’ financial well-being and ensuring a brighter financial future. With Hood Tax Resolution, you’re not just hiring a team; you’re securing peace of mind and a clear path toward tax resolution. We have helped thousands of clients across the nation and are ready to help you put your tax problems in the rear-view mirror. 

Do you have a tax lien? Contact our team today to schedule your free initial consultation to walk through the options we have in getting it removed.  

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